Our team


Nicholas Wilson

Senior lawyer


Amelia Harris

Professional lawyer


Olivia Taylor

Senior lawyer

Intellectual Protection offers a comprehensive range of legal services aimed at safeguarding and maximizing the value of your intellectual property. Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in various aspects of intellectual property law, providing tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Here are some key legal services we offer

Patent Protection

Secure your inventions and technological innovations through our patent protection services. We guide you through the entire patent application process, ensuring your ideas receive the legal recognition and protection they deserve.


Trademark Registration

Safeguard your brand identity with our trademark registration services. We assist in registering and protecting your trademarks, logos, and slogans, helping you establish and maintain a distinctive market presence.

Copyright Services

Ensure the protection of your creative works with our copyright services. From literary and artistic creations to software and digital content, we help you navigate copyright laws to safeguard your intellectual creations.


Trade Secret Management

Protect your confidential business information with our trade secret management services. We work with you to implement strategies that safeguard valuable trade secrets, providing legal recourse in case of unauthorized disclosure or use.

Intellectual Property Litigation

Our experienced litigators are ready to represent you in intellectual property disputes. Whether it's infringement claims, opposition proceedings, or other legal challenges, we strive to protect your interests through effective legal representation.


Licensing and Agreements

Facilitate the legal use and commercialization of your intellectual property through licensing agreements. We assist in drafting, negotiating, and reviewing licensing agreements to ensure they align with your business objectives.

IP Due Diligence

Before entering into business transactions, our IP due diligence services help you assess the intellectual property landscape. We identify potential risks and opportunities, allowing you to make informed decisions.


Domain Name Disputes

Resolve disputes related to domain names efficiently with our legal expertise. We assist in domain name disputes, including issues related to cybersquatting and trademark infringement.

At Intellectual Protection, we are committed to providing proactive and strategic legal support to protect your intellectual assets. Whether you are an individual inventor, startup, or established corporation, our legal services are tailored to meet the dynamic challenges of the intellectual property landscape.